We ask you to read the present document carefully before finalising your order since you accept the content of the present General Terms and Conditions with the finalisation of your order.
The General Terms and Conditions (“GTC”) contain the general terms and conditions of the usage of the web shop operated by Rita Cseppentő (address: 6767 Ópusztaszer, Puszaszeri Major 102.; tax no: 57369914-1-26) and Zsombor Cseppentő (address: 6767 Ópusztaszer, Pusztaszeri Major 106, tax no.: 67902411-1-26) as seller (“Seller”). Please use our services only if you agree with everything and consider it binding to you. This document will not be filed, it is concluded only in electronic form (it does not qualify as a written contract), it does not refer to a code of conduct.
1. Imprint – Operator data:
Name: Rita Cseppentő
Address: 6767 Ópusztaszer Pusztaszeri Major 102.
Mailing address: 6767 Ópusztaszer Pusztaszeri Major 102.
Registering authority: Csongrád-Csanád County Chamber of Commerce
Company registration no.:
Tax no.: 57369914-1-26
Phone no.: +36306388318
E-mail: csat1996@gmail.com
Website: www.cseppentosaddle.com
Name: Zsombor Cseppentő
Address: 6767 Ópusztaszer Pusztaszeri Major 106.
Mailing address: 6767 Ópusztaszer Pusztaszeri Major 102.
Registering authority: Csongrád-Csanád County Chamber of Commerce
Company registration no:
Tax no.: 67902411-1-26
Phone no.: +36306388318
E-mail: csat1996@gmail.com
Website: www.cseppentosaddle.com
Information of the storage provider:
Name: C-Host Kft.
Seat: 1115 Budapest, Halmi u. 29.
E-mail: info@nethely.hu
Tax no.: 23358005-2-43
2. Basic provisions:
2.1. Reference to the legal provisions: The provisions of the GTC and the operation of the website are governed by the provisions of the legislation of Hungary in force at any time.
2.2. Amenability of the regulation.
It is valid as long as it does not change.
2.3. Seller reserves all rights to the website, any part thereof and the content appearing on it, as well as the distribution of the website. It is prohibited to download, electronically store, process, or sell the content or any part thereof on the website without the written consent of the Seller.
2.4. Scope and acceptance of the GTC: The content of the contract concluded between us – in addition to the provisions of the relevant binding legal regulations – is determined by these GTC. Accordingly, these GTC contain the rights and obligations of you and us, the conditions of concluding the contract, the terms of performance, the conditions of delivery and payment, the rules of liability, and the conditions of exercising the right of withdrawal.
The technical information required for the use of the website, which is not included in these GTC, is provided by other information available on the website.
You are obliged to familiarise yourself with the provisions of these GTC before the finalisation of your order. By purchasing through our web store, you accept the provisions of these GTC and the GTC are fully parts of the contract between you and the Seller.
3. The range of products and services that can be purchased:
On the website, we provide information on the essential features of the products that can be purchased in the descriptions of each product.
3.1. Correction of data entry errors – responsibility for the accuracy of the data provided
During the order, you have the opportunity to change the data you have entered before finalising the order (clicking the “Back” button in the browser will open the previous page, so you can correct the entered data even if you have already moved to the next page). Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the information you provide is entered accurately, as the product will be billed and shipped based on the information you provided. By placing your order, you acknowledge that the Seller is entitled to impose all damages and costs on you arising from your incorrect data entry or inaccurate data. The Seller excludes its liability for performance based on inaccurate data entry. Please note that an incorrect e-mail address or the storage space of the mailbox may result in non-delivery of the confirmation and may prevent the conclusion of the contract.
3.2. Proceeding in case of false price
The following are considered to be obviously incorrectly quoted prices:
- a price of HUF 0,
- the price reduced by the discount but indicating the discount incorrectly (e.g., in the case of a product with a value of HUF 1,000, the product offered for HUF 100 with the 50% discount indicated).
In case of a false price, the Seller offer the possibility of purchasing the product on its real price. In the possession of this information, the Buyer may decide to order the product at the real price or cancel the order without any adverse legal consequences.
4. Purchase
If you want to make a purchase, you must also provide the information required for the purchase, such as your name, billing and shipping information, e-mail address, and telephone number.
You can select the desired product family, including individual products, by clicking on the product categories on the website. By clicking on each product, you will find a photo, article number and description of the product. In the case of a purchase, you must pay the price for the product and the delivery fee indicated in the reply e-mail about the purchase. The products are marked with an illustrated photo. The accessories and decorative elements shown in the photos are not part of the product unless it is highlighted in the product description otherwise.
Please note that we are not responsible for any misspellings or incorrect data.
5. Process of the order
After selecting the Product, you can indicate your intention to request an offer by clicking on the “Request an offer” button. By filling in the text boxes that appear after clicking the button, you must enter the data required for the order (name, billing and delivery data, tax number, e-mail address, telephone number), and then click on the “send request” button to send the purchase intention by e-mail, about which the Seller will be informed. The further section of the request for offer and ordering is conducted by e-mail:
The Seller replies to the Buyer by e-mail with further details, the method of payment, the exact amount to be paid and the delivery fee, as well as the method of payment of the delivery fee.
The prices on the website represent the price of the products, it does not include the delivery fee. In this case, the buyer will find the answer received from us by e-mail after sending the order. For a large-scale calculation, we provide help with the shipping price information file in the footer. However, this is for information purposes only and we do not accept any liability for price changes or other discrepancies.
The information provided on the website does not constitute an offer by the Seller to enter into a contract. In the case of orders falling within the scope of these GTC, you are considered a bidder.
6. Method of payment for the ordered product and payment of the delivery fee
6.1. Method of payment of the ordered product
The price of the product is paid by bank transfer in advance: after confirming your order and starting production, we will notify the Buyer by e-mail together with the data required for the transfer (bank account number and purchase invoice, etc.). The product will be sent by courier service after the price of the product has been credited to the Seller’s bank account.
The shipping fee will be reimbursed by cash on delivery, to be paid to the supplier upon receipt of the ordered product.
We are unable to accept subsequent complaints without a report.
6.2. Method of delivery and its price
List and description of transport methods: courier service
Pricing: We will provide information in our reply to the automatic e-mail we receive after sending the e-mail. It can be calculated based on the information in the footer of the web shop (www.cseppentosaddle.com). We are not responsible for changes in shipping charges.
Deadline of the delivery:
60 working days from the confirmation of the order (date of sending the order confirmation e-mail).
7. Right of withdrawal
7.1. Information on the consumer’s right of withdrawal
According to Section 8:1 par. 1 point 3 of the Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code, consumer means a natural person acting outside his profession, independent occupation, or business activity. Legal persons do not have the right of withdrawal without reasoning.
The consumer is entitled to exercise his right of withdrawal without reasoning based on Section 20 of decree no. 45/2014 (II. 26.) of the Government. The consumer has the right of withdrawal within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt by the consumer or a third party other than the carrier designated by him. In case of a contract for the sale of a product, this period is calculated from receipt of the product, or, in case of the sale of several product, if each product is supplied at a different time, from the receipt of the last product supplied.
The provisions of this paragraph shall not affect the consumer’s right to exercise the right of withdrawal provided for in this paragraph between the date of conclusion of the contract and the date of receipt of the product.
If the consumer made an offer to conclude the contract, the consumer has the right to withdraw the offer before the conclusion, which terminates the binding effect of the offer.
7.2. Statement of withdrawal, exercise of the consumer ‘s right of withdrawal or cancellation
The consumer may exercise his right based on Section 20 of decree no. 45/2014 (II. 26.) of the Government by means of a clear statement to that effect or by using a model statement which can be downloaded from the website.
Please return the notice of withdrawal and the product to the following address:
Name of the company:
Address: 6767 Ópusztaszer, Pusztaszeri Major 102.
7.3. Validity of the statement of withdrawal of the consumer
The right of withdrawal shall be deemed to have been exercised within the time limit if the consumer submits his statement within the time limit. The deadline is 14 days.
Withdrawal from the purchase can be exercised if the product is returned to the Seller in a faultless condition after being tested by the Buyer.
It is for the consumer to prove that he has exercised his right of withdrawal in accordance with this provision.
The Seller is obliged to confirm the consumer’s statement of withdrawal electronically immediately upon receipt, provided that he also provides the consumer with the right of withdrawal on his website.
7.4. Specific rules of the right of withdrawal
The Seller will return the full purchase price of the product to the buyer’s bank account if the product is returned undamaged. The additional costs of return are borne by the buyer. In the event of withdrawal from the purchase, the intact condition of the product is the liability of the consumer.
7.5. The right of withdrawal may not be exercised in the following cases
The Seller expressly draws your attention to the fact that you may not exercise your right of withdrawal in case of Section 29 par. 1 point a) of decree no. 45/2014 (II. 26.) of the Government, so in the case of a non-prefabricated product which has been manufactured on the consumer’s instructions or at his express request, or in the case of a product which is clearly tailored to the consumer.
8. Guarantee and warranty
8.1. In which cases may the user exercise his right of warranty for material defects?
In case of incorrect performance of the Seller, the User may assert a warranty claim against the Seller in accordance with the rules of the Civil Code.
8.2. What rights is the User entitled to according to his right of warranty for material defects?
The User, subject to his choice, may claim repair or replacement, unless the performance of the chosen remedy for breach of warranty for material defects is impossible, or if it would result in disproportionate additional costs to the company compared to satisfying a different claim for warranty for material defects. If he did not or could not claim repair or replacement, he may claim the pro rata reduction of the consideration; may repair the defect himself or have it repaired by somebody else at the company’s expense or may – as an ultima ratio case – cancel the contract. He may switch from the chosen remedy for breach of warranty for material defects to another remedy. The User shall pay the costs caused to the company by the switch, unless the company caused the switch, or the switch was otherwise justified.
8.3. What is the deadline for the User to assert his warranty claim?
Following the detection of the defect, the User (if he is a consumer) shall be required to communicate the defect to the obligor without delay, but not later than 2 months after the detection. However, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the case of a company from the performance of the contract, it can no longer exercise its warranty rights for supplies beyond the 1-year limitation period.
8.4. Against whom can the User assert his warranty claim?
The User may assert his warranty claim against the Seller.
8.5. What are the other conditions for enforcing your warranty rights (if the User qualifies as a consumer)?
Product warranty
8.6. In which case the User may exercise his product warranty rights?
In the event of a defect in movable thing (product), the User – based on his choice – may assert his product warranty or warranty for material defects.
8.7. What rights is the User entitled to according to his right of product warranty?
As a claim for product warranty, the User may only claim repair or replacement of the defective product.
8.8. When is the product defective?
A product is defective if it does not comply with the quality requirements applicable at the time of placing the product on the market, or if it does not have the characteristics indicated in the description provided by the producer.
8.9. What is the deadline for the User to assert his product warranty claim?
The User may assert his product warranty claim for two years (one year in case of a company) after the company placed the relevant product on the market. The expiry of this time limit shall cause the forfeiture of rights.
8.10. Against whom and under what other conditions can the User assert his product warranty claim?
The User may only exercise his product warranty claim against the manufacturer or distributor of the movable thing. In the event of a product warranty claim, the User shall prove the defect of the product
8.11. When shall the producer (distributor) be exempted from the product warranty obligation?
The producer (distributor) shall be exempted from the product warranty obligation if he proves that
- he has not produced or distributed the product within his business activities or independent professional activities, or
- the defect was not recognisable given the state of scientific or technical knowledge when the product was placed on the market, or
- the product’s defect was caused by the application of a law or a mandatory authority provision, or
- if the product is damaged by the buyer, or it is not returned in its original condition
It is enough for the producer (contributor) to prove one condition. Please note that due to the same defect, it is not possible to claim a supply warranty and a product warranty claim at the same time. However, if the product warranty claim is successfully enforced, it is possible to assert warranty claim for material defect against the manufacturer for the replaced product or repaired part.
9. Mixed provisions
In matters not regulated in these GTC, the provisions of the Civil Code (Act V of 2013) and decree no. 45/2014 (II. 26.) of the Government on the detailed rules for contracts between the consumer and the business shall be applied.
9.1. Court terms and conditions:
The provisions of Act CXXX of 2016 on the code of civil procedure shall govern the judicial settlement of disputes between the parties.
10. Complaint handling policy (for users who qualify as consumers)
10.1. Complaint handling policy:
The goal of our store is to fulfil all orders in the right quality, with the complete satisfaction of the customer. If the User still has a complaint regarding the contract or its performance, he may submit his complaint to the above telephone, e-mail address or by letter.
The Service Provider will immediately investigate the verbal complaint and remedy it as necessary. If the customer does not agree with the handling of the complaint, or it is not possible to investigate the complaint immediately, the Service Provider shall immediately take minutes of the complaint and its position and shall provide a copy to the customer.
The Service Provider will respond to the written complaint in writing within 30 days. It shall state the reasons for rejecting the complaint. The Service Provider shall keep the record of the complaint and a copy of the response for five years and present it to the inspection authorities upon request.
Please note that if your complaint is rejected, you may initiate an official or conciliation procedure with your complaint, as follows:
The consumer can lodge a complaint at the consumer protection authority:
Government Office of Csongrád-Csanád County
Technical Authority Department Consumer Protection Division
6722 Szeged, Rákóczi tér 1.
Sándor Petrik
head of division
Telefon: 62/680-532
E-mail: petrik.sandor@csongrad.gov.hu
e-mail: fogyasztovedelem.meff@komarom.gov.hu
In the event of a complaint from the Consumer, he has the option of contacting a conciliation body, the contact details of which can be found here:
Conciliation Body of Bács-Kiskun County
Address: 6000 Kecskemét, Árpád krt. 4.
Phone no.: (76) 501-525, (76) 501-500
Fax no.: (76) 501-538
Name: Mariann Mátyus
E-mail address: bkmkik@mail.datanet.hu;
Conciliation Body of Bács-Kiskun County
Címe: 7625 Pécs, Majorossy Imre u. 36.
Mailing address: 7602 Pécs, Pf. 109.
Phone no.: (72) 507-154
Fax no.: (72) 507-152
Name: József Bodnár Dr.
E-mail address: bekelteto@pbkik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Békés County
Address: 5601 Békéscsaba, Penza ltp. 5.
Phone no.: (66) 324-976, 446-354, 451-775
Fax no.: (66) 324-976
Name: László Bagdi Dr.
E-mail address: bmkik@bmkik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County
Address: 3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1.
Phone no.: (46) 501-091, 501-870
Fax no.: (46) 501-099
Name: Péter Tulipán Dr.
E-mail address: kalna.zsuzsa@bokik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Budapest
Address: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99.
Phone no.: (1) 488-2131
Fax no.: (1) 488-2186
Name: György Baranovszky Dr.
E-mail address: bekelteto.testulet@bkik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Csongrád-Csanád County
Address: 6721 Szeged, Párizsi krt. 8-12.
Phone no.: (62) 554-250/extension 118
Fax no.: (62) 426-149
Name: László Dékány, Zoltán Jerney
E-mail address: bekelteto.testulet@csmkik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Fejér County
Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Hosszúsétatér 4-6.
Phone no.: (22) 510-310
Fax no.: (22) 510-312
Name: László Kirst
E-mail address: fmkik@fmkik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Győr-Moson-Sopron County
Address: 9021 Győr, Szent István út 10/a.
Phone no.: (96) 520-202; 520-217
Fax no.: (96) 520-218
Name: László Horváth
E-mail address: bekeltetotestulet@gymskik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Hajdú-Bihar County
Address: 4025 Debrecen, Petőfi tér 10.
Phone no.: (52) 500-749
Fax no.: (52) 500-720
Name: Zsolt Hajnal Dr.
E-mail address: info@hbkik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Heves County
Address: 3300 Eger, Faiskola út 15.
Mailing address: 3301 Eger, Pf. 440.
Phone no.: (36) 416-660/extension 105
Fax no.: (36) 323-615
Name: Tünde Pintérné Dobó
E-mail address: tunde@hkik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok
Address: 5000 Szolnok, Verseghy park 8.
Phone no.: (56) 510-610
Fax no.: (56) 370-005
Name: Judit dr. Lajkóné dr. Vigh
E-mail addres: kamara@jnszmkik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Csongrád-Csanád County
Címe: 2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 36.
Phone no.: (34) 513-010
Fax no.: (34) 316-259
Name: Dr. Rozsnyói György
E-mail address: kemkik@kemkik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Nógrád County
Address: 3100 Salgótarján, Alkotmány út 9/a
Phone no.: (32) 520-860
Fax no.: (32) 520-862
Name: Erik Pongó Dr.
E-mail address: nkik@nkik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Pest County
Address: 1119 Budapest, Etele út 59-61. 2. em. 240.
Phone no.: (1)-269-0703
Fax no.: (1)-269-0703
Name: dr. Csanádi Károly
E-mail address: pmbekelteto@pmkik.hu
Website: www.panaszrendezes.hu
Conciliation Body of Somogy County
Address: 7400 Kaposvár, Anna utca 6.
Phone no.: (82) 501-000
Fax no.: (82) 501-046
Name: Ferenc Novák Dr.
E-mail address: skik@skik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County
Address: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2.
Phone no.: (42) 311-544, (42) 420-180
Fax no.: (42) 311-750
Name: Katalin Görömbeiné dr. Balmaz
E-mail address: bekelteto@szabkam.hu;
Conciliation Body of Tolna County
Address: 7100 Szekszárd, Arany J. u. 23-25.
Phone no.: (74) 411-661
Fax no.: (74) 411-456
Name: Tibor Mátyás
E-mail address: kamara@tmkik.hu;
Conciliation Body of Vas County
Address: 9700 Szombathely, Honvéd tér 2.
Phone no.: (94) 312-356
Fax no.: (94) 316-936
Name: Zoltán Kövesdi Dr.
E-mail address: pergel.bea@vmkik.hu
Conciliation Body of Veszprém County
Címe: 8200 Veszprém, Budapest u. 3.
Phone no.: (88) 429-008
Fax no.: (88) 412-150
Name: Dr. Óvári László
E-mail address: vkik@veszpremikamara.hu
Conciliation Body of Zala County
Address: 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Petőfi utca 24.
Phone no.: (92) 550-513
Fax no.: (92) 550-525
Name: dr. Koczka Csaba
E-mail address: zmbekelteto@zmkik.hu
The conciliation body has the power to settle consumer disputes out of court. The task of the conciliation body is to try to reach an agreement between the parties in order to settle the consumer dispute, failing which it will decide on the matter in order to ensure simple, fast, efficient and cost-effective enforcement of consumer rights. At the request of the consumer or the Service Provider, the conciliation body shall advise on the rights and obligations of the consumer.
In the case of a cross-border consumer dispute related to an online sales or online service contract, the Conciliation Board operating under the auspices of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry is competent only for the proceedings.
In the event of a consumer complaint, you can use the EU online dispute resolution platform. Using the platform requires a simple registration in the European Commission’s system by clicking here. After registration, the consumer can submit his complaint via the online website at http://ec.europa.eu/odr
The Service Provider is obliged to cooperate in the conciliation panel proceedings. In this context, it shall send its reply to the conciliation body and ensure the participation of the person authorized to reach an agreement at the hearing. If the registered office or establishment of the business is not registered in the county of the chamber operating the conciliation body with territorial jurisdiction, the obligation of the business to cooperate extends to offer the possibility of concluding a written agreement in accordance with the needs of the consumer.
If the consumer does not go to conciliation or the procedure is unsuccessful, the consumer has the opportunity to go to court to settle the dispute. The lawsuit shall be initiated with an application containing the following information:
- the proceeding court
- the names, address of the parties and their representatives, and their position in the proceeding
- the right to be enforced, the facts and proofs supporting the claim
- the data establishing the material and territorial jurisdiction of the court
- an explicit claim requesting the court’s decision
The claim shall be accompanied by the document or a copy thereof, the content of which is relied on as evidence.
- Copyrights
11.1. The copyright protection of the website.
The use of the photos and materials on the website elsewhere is only possible by agreement.
- Data protection
Pursuant to Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and the GDPR, the user may exercise his rights in court and apply to the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority:
National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority
Address: 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c.
Mail address: 1530 Budapest, Pf.: 5.
Phone no.: +36 1 391 1400
Fax no.: +36 1 391 1410
E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@naih.hu
Website: http://www.naih.hu